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- July, 2013: Ming-Jie Zheng won the first prize for a poster competition in the CASL Education Program Summer Student Workshop 2013. Congratulations!
- June, 2013: Congratulations to Wei Xie for receiving CALPHAD Scholarship awarded by CALPHAD. Inc. as one of the ten recipients worldwide in 2013
- June, 2013: Dane Morgan is the co-director of the Wisconsin Materials Innovation Institute (WIMII)
- June, 2013: Big congratulations to CMG alumnus Dr. Yifei Mo on his new job as an Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland!
- June, 2013: Dr. Alejandro Londono got his new job at 3M as a Polymer Modeling Engineer. Congratulations!
- May, 2013: CMG members participated in the Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure
- April, 2013: CMG members in Engineering Expo 2013
- Nov, 2012: Check out BBC news article about CMG research on friction
- July, 2012: Congratulations to Tom Angsten who received the 2012-2013 Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowship
- July, 2012: Work from CMG on modeling diffusion and radiation induced segregation in Fe-Ni-Cr steels (Choudhury, et al, JNM ’11) is among the 25 most downloaded papers in Journal of Nuclear materials for 2011
- July 5, 2012: Congratulations to Leland Barnard who received the “2012 Innovations in Fuel Cycle Research Award” in the category of Advanced Materials
- June, 2012: The review article by Prof. Szlufarska “Radiation effects in SiC for nuclear structural applications” published in June 2012 is among the most downloaded articles in the Journal of Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science
- Jan. 3, 2012: Congratulations to Tam Mayeshiba who received the 2012 UW-Madison Materials Science and Engineering Cech Scholarship