2013: Journal of Materials Science Robert W. Cahn Best Paper Prize
2008: NSF CAREER Award to study Molecular Basis for Viscoelastic Response of Nano-Mechanical Biosensors
2006: AFOSR Young Investigator Program award for studies of Tribology of Nanostructured Silicon Carbide for MEMS and NEMS Applications in Extreme Environments
2006: Placed on the National Academy of Engineering’s list of the Frontiers of Engineering
2009: Ted Holby, the Best National Solution to Climate Change in the 2009 SAGE Climate Leadership Challenge
2008 Sarah Khalil: the 2nd place award in the UW Annual Seminar competition organized by the Beta chapter of Graduate Women in Science (GWIS)
2008: Vasilios Vlahos, the Best Student Paper Award of the 9th International Vacuum Electronics Conference
2008: Sarah Khalil: the ANS James F. Schumar Memorial Scholarship Award for graduate students in materials science and technology for nuclear applocations
2008: Paul Kamenski, the National Defence Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (NDSEG) and the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (GERF)
2008: Vasilios Vlahos, the Keynote Oral Presentation in the Scandate Cathodes session of the 9th International Vacuum Electronics Conference
2007: Amy Bengtson, the Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2007 Fall AGU meeting