Publications in 2008

C. Zhang, J. Zhu, A. Bengtson, D. Morgan, F. Zhang, W. S. Cao, Y. A. Chang
Modeling of phase stability of the fcc phases in the Ni-Ir-Al system using the cluster/site approximation method coupling with first-principles calculations
Acta Materialia, 56 (11), 2576-2584, (2008) (Journal Pub)

A. Van der Ven, J. C. Thomas, Q. Xu, B. Swoboda, D. Morgan
Non-dilute diffusion from first principles: Li diffusion in LixTiS2
Physical Review B, 78, 104306, (2008) (Journal Pub)

C. Zhang, J. Zhu, A. Bengtson, D. Morgan, F. Zhang, Y. Yang, Y. A. Chang
Thermodynamic modeling of the Cr-Pt binary system using the cluster/site approximation coupling with first-principles energetics calculation
Acta Materialia, 56, 19, 5796-5803, (2008) (Journal Pub)

J. Joshua Yang, A. K. Bengtson, C.-X. Ji, D. Morgan, Y. A. Chang
Origin of the dependence of magnetoresistance on the composition of Co100-xFexelectrodes in magnetic tunnel junctions
Journal of Applied Physics, 103, 5, 056102, (2008) (Journal Pub)

J. Joshua Yang, A. K. Bengtson, C.-X. Ji, D. Morgan, Y. A. Chang
Crystal structure effect of ferromagnetic electrode on tunneling magnetoresistance
Acta Materialia, 56, 7, 1491-1495, (2008) (Journal Pub)

I. Szlufarska, M. Chandross, R. Carpick
Recent advances in single-asperity nanotribology
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 41, 123001, (2008) (Invited) (Journal Pub)

A. Bengtson, K. Persson, D. Morgan
Study of the composition dependence of the pressure-induced spin crossover in perovskite (Mg1-x,Fex)SiO3
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 265, 3-4, 535-545, (2008) (Journal Pub)