How to Join CMG

Thank you for your interest in joining CMG. CMG is a multi-national group and we welcome applicants from all over the world.  This page describes how to go about applying to join the University of Wisconsin (UW) and CMG.

CMG typically hires Graduate Students (intending to get an MS or PhD), Postdocs (post-PhD), Associate Scientists (typically 6 or more years past PhD and with substantial research accomplishments), and Visiting Scholars (typically researchers of all levels, from visiting students to collaborators to students with international awards for travel and research to visiting faculty).  Students must first apply and be accepted to a graduate program at UW, although others can apply to CMG directly.  CMG hires are typically hired into the groups of either Prof. Szlufarska or Prof. Morgan, but can also be hired jointly.

First, please make sure your research interests are aligned with the research area of CMG.

How to apply

Students:  Students who are interested in CMG should email Prof. Szlufarska or Prof. Morgan to ask if we might have open positions and send your CV and any other information you care to share.  If it looks like we will have open positions and you might be a good match for the group we will let you know and encourage you to apply to UW.  The easiest way to work with CMG is from one of the following UW graduate departments/programs: Materials Science and Engineering DepartmentNuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics (NEEP) Department (this is typically for people with an interest in nuclear).  If you enter UW in another department you can still work in CMG but it will take a little more work as we do not have appointments in other programs and will have to find a co-advisor in the relevant department/program.  You must be accepted to a UW department/program for us to hire you as a graduate student.  However, acceptance to UW does not assure that we can hire you in CMG.  That is a separate step that occurs after you have been accepted to UW.  If we do hire you in CMG, we will typically pay your tuition and a Research Assistant salary to cover costs of living.  It won’t make you rich, but it is enough to live on here in Madison.

Postdocs and Associate Scientists: Postdocs and Associate Scientists who are interested in CMG should first check the open positions part of our web page to see if we have any openings. Please then follow the directions for application on the posted advertisements.  Note that we typically advertise all positions for postdoc level or above as if they are for postdocs, so if you are an associate scientist level researcher please consider applying and we will adjust salary and responsibilities accordingly.

Visiting Scholars: If you are interested in working with CMG as a visiting scholar of some kind it is best to just contact Prof. Szlufarska or Prof. Morgan.  We welcome visitors but stress that having external funds to support your trip is typically necessary as we do not generally have funds on hand for visitors.