CMG Ph.D. student Ben Afflerbach helped transform the in-person, lab-based REU program into a virtual primer on data science and machine learning research. Here is the link to the news.
Congratulations to CMG alumnus Dr. Mehradad Arjmand for winning 2020 Forward under 40 Award!
Congratulations to CMG alumnus Dr. Mehrdad Arjmand (left) on a continued success of his start-up NovoMoto and on another well-deserved recognition!
Prof. Morgan wins ISSI Mid-Career Award
Prof. Morgan was very honored to receive the International Society for Solid State Ionics (ISSI) Mid-Career Award, presented at SSI22 in PyeongChang, Korea on June 20, 2019.
Prof. Szlufarska wins an outstanding alumni award from Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland.
Congratulations to Prof. Szlufarska for winning an outstanding alumni award from Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland!
Congratulations to Undergrad CMG Member Vanessa Meschke for Citrine NextGen Fellowship
Congratulations to undergrad Vanessa Meschke for winning Best Capstone Project for her summer work as a Citrine NextGen Fellow! Click this link to learn more about their company and the presentation.
Congratulations to Jie for winning the best poster award in the AMIC Annual Meeting
Sept 2016
Zach Jensen wins the 2017 Kaufman CALPHAD Scholarship from TMS
June 2016
Prof. Dane Morgan receives Romnes Faculty Fellowship
May 2016
MRSEC Seed Grant for Guangfu Luo and Ryan Jacobs
Jan. 2016
Congratulations to Prof. Izabela Szlufarska
Sept. 2015